Every Scar Tells a Story
Rayna York
Publication date: June 15th 2024
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

They say time heals all wounds, but they never mention the scars left behind.

Serena McNeal, outgoing and ambitious, is ready to escape her small town as soon as she graduates high school. Knox prefers to live in the shadows, finding comfort in his anonymity. As their worlds collide and the ghosts of Knox’s troubled past resurface, more than their newly-created bond will be tested. Because now, every decision made could be the difference between sharing a future together or facing a reality where neither one survives.

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Summer… I can’t help but smile. This one will be like no other. High school will be over, and I’ll be heading off to college in the fall. I’m so ready to leave this small town behind.

It’s not a bad place to live, but I’m psyched to move to an actual city where the downtown is larger than a four-block radius. And I’m eager to get my career started. Working probably isn’t what gets most eighteen-year-olds jacked up, but I know the direction I want to go, and I’m motivated to get there.

Hayden walks ahead of me without a backward glance, unlocking his early graduation gift—a shiny, new black Mustang. The jackass is sulking.

Reaching for the handle, I happen to look left and catch sight of a herculean figure walking on the sidewalk toward me. His head is down, face mysteriously shadowed by a hooded sweatshirt pulled low over his eyes. Somehow, he must sense me staring because he stops and snaps his head up, then looks around like I’m blocking his path and isn’t sure what to do about it.

“Are you coming?” Hayden says over the roof of his car with a tinge of annoyance.

“Yeah, sorry.” After opening my door, I glance back. The stranger is walking at a brisk pace across the street.

After we’re both seated in the car, he says, “Do you know that guy?”

“No, but I think I startled him.” I pull the seatbelt across my chest and secure it.

“Well, it seems like you did.” He starts the car with a vroom. “Is there something I should know about?”

“No.” My heart races at the aggressive sound of the engine. “I’ve never seen him before.” I’m still plagued with nightmares and struggle with other people driving, all because of the accident I was in with my father when I was thirteen. Hayden knows this.

The drive to my house is silent, and I wonder about the sudden awareness I had back at the restaurant. Am I really going to break up with him? I doubt he’s ever been dumped before. The guy is high school royalty. And it’s going to mess up our friend group, not to mention our plans for prom in two months. Maybe I’m being too hasty this time. I mean, aside from occasional insensitivity, the escalating moodiness, and the increase in his drinking, what’s really wrong with him?

Yeah, aside from all that, my brain shouts back at me.


Author Bio:

Rayna York grew up with hippie parents who liked to adventure. Where change was the norm, books were her constant—a way to escape. As an adult, many careers came and went, but writing has always been her passion. Her contemporary, coming-of-age love stories are often inspired by dreams, which she captures in her notebook with barely an eye open. When she’s not hidden away in her writing shack, Rayna enjoys playing pickleball, losing herself in a good book, or watching a movie.

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✨EXCERPT: ALL FOR YOU by @renee_harless is coming June 25!


“This isn’t some new competition for you to prove you’re better at something else, is it? I am well aware you’re better at baseball.”

Leaning down, hovering his lips over my ear as he gently slipped a bat into my grasp, he teased, “Maybe I just want to see you handling my big, long stick.”

I tried to assure Owen that I was more than content watching him coach for the afternoon, but he wasn’t hearing any of it. Stepping behind me, he pressed his hips against my backside as he adjusted my grip around the bat and then directed me on my stance. I felt ridiculous as I stood there in the grass, watching Owen walk away while he grabbed a ball from his cargo shorts.

“Just try to hit it, okay?” he called out as he positioned himself across from me.

Nodding, I narrowed my stare, hoping it would help me focus. Owen threw the ball much slower than I’d seen in person or on TV. I forced my eyes to stay open, fighting every intuition to close them. Even though I had no idea what I was doing, the ball made contact with my bat with just enough force to bounce it back toward Owen.

“I did it!”

“Great job, baby!” he exclaimed as he collected the ball. “Let’s see if we can get one more.” He called over one of the older kids to pitch, while Owen came and stood behind me again. The ridge of his cock was pressed against my ass again, and I could barely concentrate.

“You’re going to make me miss it with you standing behind me like this,” I told him.

“Naw. We got it.”

Owen adjusted his grip on the bat around my hands. The moment our hands touched, I felt… powerful. Like I could actually get a grand slam.

“You’re controlling it. I’m just the added muscle.”

The pitcher wound and then released the ball. Taking a deep breath, I swung the bat with every ounce of strength I had. Not expecting to hit anything, the thunk of the bat hitting the ball startled me. A flash of white soared through the sky, landing on the other side of the park.

“Oh my gosh! We did it!”
“You did it. I just gave you a little extra strength.”

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✨EXCERPT: WORD TO THE WISE by @evasimmonsbooks is coming June 28th!



“You’re testing me, Sticks. I’ve been good, and it hasn’t been easy.” He traces his thumb over my lower lip. “You can’t give me permission like that. I’m not that fucking strong, and I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“You aren’t.” I grab his wrist, pausing his hand where he’s holding my jaw. “You make me feel like I’m worth something again. You don’t treat me like I’m broken or I’m fragile. I want to feel that. I need to feel that. Maybe I’m the one using you.”
“You could never use me.” He smirks, stepping closer. “I’m too willing.”
“How willing?” Grabbing his wrist, I slowly drag his hand from my jaw to my throat, to my chest, pausing there.
His palm is large like the rest of him, and even if I’ve got a full chest, he covers me. His fingers twitch to grab it.
“Fuck, Reed.” The growl that vibrates his throat sets my core on fire.
“Don’t be careful with me, Mason.” I look up at him. “I’ve had enough of that in my life. I just want to feel alive again.”
His hand tightens, and it sends my blood coursing through my veins.
“I’ll always be careful with you, Reed. With your body. With your heart. Because a girl like you deserves that.” He drags his hand up my chest until it reaches my throat.
He grabs on, but not tight. Not taking my air away. Just enough to latch himself to me so he can pull me a step closer to him.
“But if you’re worried that I’m too much of a gentleman to take you as you need me to, then don’t. Because I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And the second you give me permission, I’ll fuck you exactly how a girl like you deserves.”
I swallow hard. “How’s that?”
He dips his face down, grazing his mouth over my cheek, sending a shiver along my spine as his lips find my ear.
“Until you’re coming on my cock all night long.”
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✨SUMMER IN KENTBURY by @claudia_b30 is coming July 10th!



Why you will love this book…
🔥Friends to Lovers
🔥Forced Proximity
🔥Vacation/Time Limit Romance
🔥Mild Hate to Love Vibes
🔥Small Town
🔥Long distance relationship
🔥Billionaire Romanc

🔥He Falls First

From USA Today bestselling author Claudia Burgoa pens a summer romance novella set up in the small town of Kentbury.

When life is too much, and you can’t hack it, what do you do?

Go back home, right?

It’s just the logical thing to do.

At a young age, I learned that Kentbury is kind of magical—and great at maple syrup.

I packed my things, drove to my parent’s house and …

I found Sinclair McFolley— irresistibly brooding, and dangerously handsome.

He and his siblings took possession of my childhood home.

What the f. . . obviously it’s a mistake.

It wasn’t.

So now my plans are to either go back home or stay in Kentbury helping the McFolleys with their summer camp.

It's all fun and games until feelings start getting in the way.

Challenges turn into opportunities.

And suddenly the summer fling I never planned on might become the romance of a lifetime.

Maybe Kentbury isn’t just a place to escape to—it’s where I was meant to find myself all along.

✨INFLUENCERS: Sign up to review here: https://bit.ly/summerinkentburysignup

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✨Let’s celebrate! It’s release day for SOMEWHERE YOU BELONG by @harlowjamesauthor! Grab it in KU & Audio with the amazing narrators Connor Crais and McKenzie Cartwright!



Why you need to #ONECLICK this book…
🔥Fish Out of Water
💕Female Millionaire
🔥Former Marine MC
💕Grumpy Hero & Heroine
🔥Enemies to Lovers
💕He falls first
🔥Small Town
💕Found Family
🔥Family Secrets

One letter changed my life.

One night with him might change my forever.

Inheriting a beach house in a small town you’ve never heard of is less than ideal.

Falling for the broody bar owner who hates me because he wants the house? Even worse.

I came to Carrington Cove for one reason—to renovate the home I knew nothing about, sell it, and get back to my life in D.C. and my multi-million dollar business.

There was nothing on the agenda about falling for Dallas, the sexy former Marine who chastises me about my manners and withholds how to fend off the murderous geese on my property.

Fighting with him becomes our own messed up form of foreplay. But his tongue? Turns out it has other talents than just sparring with me verbally.

Our banter turns to moans in the dark, our arguments turn to learning more about each other, and the closer we get, the more I question whether I’m meant to stay here with the man I’m falling for.

Until one night, I realize that he and I share a connection neither one of us could have seen coming.

Would I leave this town feeling more lost in my life than ever before?

Or was it possible that I finally found somewhere I belong?

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Father Callahan is forced back intodangerous filth, corruption, and crime. Can he remain a celibatepriest, or will he abandon the life of faith for more sensualpleasures? Will he stay a good man or return to the dark criminallife he once knew so well?" At Home Among Sinners The John Callahan Series Book 1 by Elizabeth Upton…...

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Her Secret Revenge by Cole Baxter ~ This was his best yet. I loved it!

My Thoughts 
This thriller was even more remarkable than his others I have read in the past; it offered numerous stunning twists and turns and kept me fully engaged due to its elaborate plot. Writing is very good, presenting a good story line and well developed characters with many surprises. I highly recommend this book to all psychological thriller lovers.

👉Pre-Order it on Amazon-> https://amzn.to/3xu5nkT

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✨Let’s celebrate! It’s release day for RECKLESS VOW by @maxinehenriromance! Grab it in KU!



Why you need to #ONECLICK this book…
🔥Marriage of Convenience
🔥Second Chance
🔥Overprotective, Obsessed Hero
🔥No 3rd act breakup
🔥My Wife
🔥Who did this to you?
🔥Angst, banter and steam

Convenient and temporary. That’s all our marriage is.

My grandmother’s inheritance is a problem. A problem to be solved with a marriage.

And there is no handier fake husband for me than my stepbrother, Baldo Cassinetti.

Our family endorses the make-believe match wholeheartedly.

But they don’t know we have a history.
Secret, forbidden history that should stay in the past.

Baldo isn’t the boy I once knew.
A powerful billionaire, he’s more poised, more infuriating, more gorgeous. More everything.

He seems to have no problem forgetting the past. I’m his sister, after all.
Until he first calls me his wife and I know our reckless vows will hurt the family.
Or destroy us.

Reckless Vow is a part of the Reckless Billionaires series, but can be read as a standalone.

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